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      Industrial Design Final project

      Johnathan Shoshani

      instagram icon @j0hsho


      "Where do you want to go? After all, you were there, you were already once there” - Haim Gouri In a short interactive journey between micro-architectural structures, abstract ideas are given physical shape. The exterior structures are based on simple physical principles: gravity, compression and light transmission. Combining material and shape that draw on collective memory, the objects become a bridge between space and time. The project’s point of departure was a longing for somethings that has changed but was not lost. Prof. Dov Ganchrow

      Design Home Identity Memory Nature Wood

      Additional Options:

      Lina Sandouka

      Guy Levi

      Adi Meiseles

      Yardan Cohen, Nadav Moisa

      Moaiad Rajabi