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      Industrial Design Final project

      Eden Shaanan Attia


      Step Out

      Depression care complementary service Depression is an illness whose symptoms include shutting oneself at home and avoiding social interactions. One of the causes of depression in teens is the increased use of smartphones. This project wishes to look at the smartphone not only as a leading cause of depression but as a tool that facilitates recovery and can help those suffering from depression to return to activity and a healthy routine. Step Out is a service aimed at increasing the teen’s motivation to perform tasks between CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) sessions, reframing the actions that the patient avoids as experiential tasks that include achieving goals and as well as virtual and tangible rewards. And so, a tool that closed the patient off from the world in fact helps them to step out and enjoy what the world has to offer. Eran Lederman

      Application Design Society and community ux/ui

      Additional Options:

      Hen Janet Ofer

      David Manor

      Adi Amara

      Shani Dagan, Noam Keller

      Alaa Obedat